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Indoor Art

Very little maintenance is required for any garden spirit created to be displayed inside.  It's important to remember that your garden spirit needs to cure indoors for two weeks until it is fully hardened.  Please try to keep your garden spirit away from direct heat or sunlight.  To help preserve any colour painted onto your garden spirit, it is recommended to spray a light coat of varnish on it.


Outdoor Garden Spirit

Garden spirits placed outside in the garden require a little more maintenance on an annual basis. Paverpol fabric hardener is a polymer and can be placed outdoors to withstand the elements and you may choose not to varnish before placing outside.  But we suggest to spray or paint a coat of outdoor varnish on an annual basis to extend the life of your garden spirit.

Upon bringing home your garden spirit. please ensure that you allow for your garden spirit to fully dry and cure for two weeks inside  before placing outdoors or adding the outdoor varnish.

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